Suppose you have your hand on a red hot burner. You scream with pain and complain on and on about how much your hand hurts. Perhaps you've had your hand on the burner for a very long time; so, for years you've complained about the pain in your hand, and maybe it has even caused you to forego enjoying your favorite activities.
In effect, the solution of the medical mentality is to take drugs. "Here take this pill, it will get rid of your pain." So you take the pill and it does get rid of the pain. Now you can go on doing what you're doing, all the while keeping your hand on the red hot burner. You might be so satisfied with this solution that you tell all your friends about the pill! "Ooh! You have to get some of these pills! They took away all the pain in my hand and I can do everything I want to now," you might say. (We hear this all the time in the drug commercials, don't we?)
So, what's the Natural Hygiene solution? "Take your hand off the burner, silly!"
Nuf said.
Okay, okay. Maybe this is a little bit too simplistic, but I find it helpful to remember just why I'm on this path. Medical science is important--if we keep it in perspective and put it to use only when necessary. My sister, Chris, broke her leg on Valentine's Day and really needed some serious help! I doubt she would have appreciated me telling her to bite the bullet and treat it naturally! That's when medical science comes in very, VERY handy. But we can't just run to the medicine cabinet with every little ache and pain. Most of our daily problems are the result of bad living, and we can't keep up with thinking that medicine will solve our problems. It's far, far better to clean up our lives so that our own self-inflicted problems are kept at a minimum, and we can focus on our true health issues...
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