Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm "It" Already (...And So Are You!)

Are you like this? Whenever I start a new project of any kind--diet, fitness, a new organization program--I fall into the old pattern of thinking that I can't wait until I'm "there." It's kind of like thinking that at this point in time I'm no-where, but at some future time I'm now-here, and when I finally get there, I can start living my real life. 

Sometimes, it seems like I'm putting off living my (real) life until conditions are "just right."  I think something like, " As soon as I get fit, I'll be more involved," or "As soon as I get organized I'll get back to writing my book." It seems I'm waiting for some magical moment when everything will come together and the conditions will be perfect to start living my life the way I want.

But, it has occurred to me that I AM living my life right now, at this very moment. This IS it

So, if I want to ensure my desired outcome, all I have to do is make sure that what I'm doing at this very moment--not tomorrow, not when I find the time, but right now--IS that outcome. If I envision myself to be a fit and healthy person, then what I should be doing at this moment is what a fit and healthy person does. If happiness is what I'm seeking, then I should be doing what a happy person does. It's simply change of mindset. I shouldn't be thinking about what's going to lead me there (someday), but what IS here--right now! As the saying goes, Just DO it. Or as Plato said, you're "it" already; just peel away what isn't "it," and the "it" will emerge.

What a relief! No more worrying about tomorrow or that much anticipated future event, or waiting and wondering when I'll start seeing the benefits of my new program. All I have to concern myself with is this very moment. And if I'm living my moment the way I envision my life to be...I AM it! (And so are you!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is very freeing not to worry about the past or future.
do you think planning is the same thing as worrying.. sometimes I get them mixed up. But I am not putting off anything till I get the perfect body, or perfect schedule etc.. Now or Never!