If you're like me, even thinking about "going raw" or delving into Natural Hygiene makes it essential that you wrap your brain around this very essential law of life. The fact of the matter is: our bodies are autonomous organisms which require absolutely no outside help.
Think about it: ever since the union of that ever so tiny egg with that ever so tinier sperm, your body has been able to grow a complete human being! It knew exactly what to do and how to do it and, except for some raw materials, like fuel and the replenishment of nutrients, it didn't need help from anything outside of itself to make you! And it continues to know what to do now that you're a fully-grown human being.
Your trillions of cells are the result of literally millions of years of adaptation, so doesn't it seem kind of odd that suddenly in the last couple of hundred years it would need doctors and medicines and Chapstick? Or so-called vitamin water or superfoods, dietary aids, or animal protein? Or tanning beds or wrinkle cream or fluouride in your water? Or, or, or...
For me, the hardest part of reverting back to this way of life (that IS what we're doing after all--reverting back to what is natural and normal) is accepting and allowing the fact that my body doesn't need that kind of help from me; AND when I give it this kind of help, I am actually inhibiting my body from doing its work!
This is especially true of those things that go into my body. If it's not of my biological adaptation, it's actually harming me and preventing my body from functioning fully. So, thinking that "just one" [aspirin, bite of meat, sip of tea, etc.] isn't going to hurt me...IS!
If I sincerely desire optimal health, the most important thing I can do is to truly accept that my body can and MUST have the autonomy to do its thing without any second-guessing from me.
Daily, I work on comprehending this, and the more I "chink" away at it, the more astounding (and ridiculously simple) it all seems!
(...Oh, and if you need more reminding of this law of life, just keep reading, because I'm sure it will keep popping up!)
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